Slab Leak Detection

There is so much more to the maintenance of your home than meets the eye. Your house is built on a concrete slab foundation, and beneath that concrete slab are the critical pipes that supply your home with water, and properly dispose of household waste. Should these pipes begin to leak, not only is your foundation at risk of cracking, but you could be looking at serious damage to the ground floors of your home.

Should you detect any signs of a slab leak in or around your home, the time to call a plumbing expert is NOW! CALL US at 817-796-8387.

Cracks in the concrete around your home are a red alert warning to call a plumber immediately, but there are other indications that you may have a slab leak. If your water bill is unexpectedly higher than usual, or
if you experience a sudden drop in water pressure within your home, these may be signs of a leak. The longer you wait to solve the problem, the more you’ll pay to fix the water damage to the foundation of your home.

Slab leak red flags!

Every slab leak has a potential to turn into a costly plumbing problem for your household budget. Unfortunately, we realize that we are having a slab leak problem when it is already too late to take care of it without professional assistance. Time is of the essence when it comes to slab leak repairs. So, keep your eyes and ears open to these warning signs you shouldn’t ignore:

• The sound of running water you’re having a difficulty explaining or locating.
• Moisture.
• Wall cracks.
• You keep paying more and more for your water bills.
• Wet floor spots.
• Cracking foundation.
• Buckling foundation.

Don’t take these warning signs for granted. If you don’t stop the water getting beneath your house, the next thing you know you put your home’s foundation at risk. The last thing you need is the full-scale home reconstruction work. Or, in the worst case scenario, you will have to find a new home for your family in Mansfield and Fort Worth, TX. Rest assured that this isn’t an exaggeration your local plumber uses to scare you. Even if you take care of the structural damages, there’s plenty of money you have to invest in fixing cracking and buckling in walls and floors all over your home. Your belongings and furniture will become the “collateral damage” of the slab leak detection you failed to detect and repair on time.

At J Rowe Plumbing Inc., we will dispatch an expert to your home immediately to verify the source and location of the slab leak. We can then complete the repair using the least invasive method.
If you are concerned about a slab leak, don’t delay! Call us for an inspection and estimate so that we can begin the repair of your home immediately.

Affordable and non-invasive slab leak repair options

We all know that the toughest challenge while trying to fix a slab leak problem is not to infest your home with countless craters. Needless to say that a plumber’s practical experience in dealing with the slab leak problems plays a critically important role. Here are some of the suitable slab leak repair options you should be aware of:

• If your home is old and you just had enough of the frequent slab leak troubles, then you have to be aware that repiping your enter sewer or water line is your best option.
• If you have a modern home with the relatively new system of pipes, then your most suitable option is to cut and open the foundation as precisely as possible in order to take care of the broken pipes.
• Finally, pipe coating represents the most cost-effective and efficient option for the Mansfield and Fort Worth homeowners who succeed in identifying a slab leak right on time.

It’s understandable that people start panicking as soon as they realize they are experiencing a slab leak situation in their homes. The next thing you know, you already imaging a gigantic crater in the middle of your living room that’s filled with water and plumbing bills you have to pay. Slab leaks don’t have to end with the considerable repair-related damages and hefty costs. Our technicians always aim to apply non-invasive and affordable techniques in order to deliver an efficient repair work with the minimal damage to your home.


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    Cindy Marshall
      We are completely satisfied with their work Brett & his helper were very courteous and competent. We are completely satisfied with their work.