What are Three Types of Plumbing?
The three types of plumbing systems are the sanitary drainage system, stormwater drainage system, and potable water system. Each of these plays a vital role in ensuring the proper functioning of a building’s water and waste management. Plumbing is one of the most...
WHY WAIT FOR A PLUMBING DISASTER WHY WAIT FOR A PLUMBING DISASTER Your washing machine was delivered with rubber supply hoses. The “fine print” recommends turning the water supply to the machine off after using it. So, if you don't, you're among the 97.3% of all...
BEST WATER IN THE WORLD Flint Michigan has been receiving a lot of attention in the press lately regarding it's public water supply. I'm not going to discuss the politics of Flint or what is happening to the water there. Enough opinions have been generated in regard...
Do You Want To Meet A Rock Star?
Do You Want To Meet A Rock Star? Plumbers come in all shapes and sizes – and plumbing itself can be an excellent career which many people get into straight after school. Because of this, it's not surprising that many people have dabbled in the profession at some point...
Roll Out The Red Carpet
Roll Out The Red Carpet When was the last time you were given the “red carpet” treatment? Can't remember? And yet, the phrase “red carpet” customer service is thrown about as if it were an every day experience. Perhaps it is – in Hollywood. However, the rest of us...
Are You Ready For Some Football?
Are You Ready For Some Football? ARE YOU READY FOR SOME FOOTBALL? The Carolina Panthers and the Denver Bronco's may be hungry for Victory this coming Super Bowl Sunday, but Americans are hungry for everything else! Although the Super Bowl is not an official holiday,...
The Plumber’s Paradise
The Plumber's Paradise It’s a little early to get “cabin fever.” You know, that feeling of being cooped up indoors? But having suffered with a long, cold, drizzly, icy Thanksgiving weekend, and facing an El Nino forecast for a wet winter, cabin fever arrived early and...
Golden Thinking
Golden Thinking Golden Thinking We all learned the Golden Rule at a young age; "treat others as you would like to be treated." Sure, it’s something that has been preached to us since we can remember, but how often do people really practice this? The other day I was...
Pulling An All-Nighter By the Pool (It’s Not as Glamorous As It Sounds)
Pulling An All-Nighter By the Pool (It's Not as Glamorous As It Sounds) We love our techs here at James Rowe Plumbing for many reasons. They prove their love and dedication for their jobs everyday while out at our customers' homes, and often go above and beyond the...
The White Glove Test Even When OTHERS Leave The Mess
The White Glove Test Even When OTHERS Leave The Mess We often say that James Rowe Plumbers are the "White Glove" plumbers, which might evoke the image of Jeeves the butler, maybe with a wrench on his tray and his nose in the air. But honestly, what "White Glove...